A non-profit organization
OMG Youth Sports and Development
Before/ After School Programs
Immersion Camps
Club Sports Teams and Leagues
Private Sports Training

Our mission is to provide opportunities.
Please donate today and help us reach farther.
"Our true acquisitions lie only in our charities..." - Simms
We’re proud to never have turned a camper away for financial reasons, and it’s people like you who help make this a reality. The positive change we see in those who come to our camps is truly priceless. Consider making a donation of any size to our camp fund. Every cent counts.
All contributions directly supports the mission of OMG Youth Sports. That's just a fancy way of saying, our mission is to provide families with children living with limited financial resources, an opportunity to follow their passions in Athletics, Art and Adventure. We do that by with your support, by providing grants and scholarships to deserving families.
100% of donations are used to build community by providing programs for children in Art, Athletics and Adventure, living in our communities below the poverty line. Your donations help us provide opportunities that would not exist with your support. Please help us make a difference. WE can do it!
A donation of...
$20, pays for a child camp snack or lunch
$50, will help buy a camp basketball
$75, will help a child receive a new pair of basketball shoes
$100, would provide a grant for a child to attend free basketball clinic
$250, would pay for a child to attend 2 months of basketball camp
$500, would provide a needing family with a grant to attend Summer Camp
$1000, would allow 4 families living in poverty an opportunity to send their child to camp
If you have questions, please contact us at jonathanowenscloud@gmail.com. Thanks OMG Community!
-Coach Jonathan Owens
Help OMG Youth Sports
Donation and Sponsorship Opportunities

OMG Adventure Club Events
Art. Athletics. Adventure.
Our amazing OMG Adventure Club host 1-3 events monthly that allow children to explore their passions in Art, Athletics and Adventure as well as product from our sponsors. From traditional activities, to something a little different, we guarantee a fun and exhilarating time for all participants. Ambassadors are able to amplify these events through press and social media.
Monetary Donations
Help OMGYS Support Needing Families
Help underwrite OMG Youth Sports programs that provide grants to families and schools with children living below the poverty line, to attend affordable OMG After School Programs, OMG + Melrose Youth Basketball Camp and OMG Adventure Club Camp. Our pledge is to provide each child an affordable premier camp experience and never turn away a family due to cost.

In Kind Donations
The Essentials
One week it may be dodgeball, the next week it may be Big Bear. Then on Sunday it may be a 4 game basketball tourney. We accept just all the items you would imagine an adventure club and sports camp would need. Backpacks, hoodies, t-shirts, any type of ball, training equipment, water, sports drinks, snacks, sneakers, caps, socks,...you get the idea! Just give us a call and we'll pick up the items.
Co-Branded Partnerships
Let's Collaborate!
OMGYS loves to collaborate with brand partners and create projects to build brand awareness while still focuses on supporting  families and children in need. Past partners have included Autism Speaks, Jr. Clippers, Hope MS, AAU Sports and The Harlem Globetrotters.

Say hello to our newest training partner!
World's BEST Reflex Training System!
Order with OMG Youth Sports and receive a 15% discount on your purchase!
Here at OMG Youth Sports we love to use Blazepods in our reflex training! It's cool that you don't even have to be a basketball player or even an athlete to enjoy them. Get creative! Come up with a new way to use them and send us a video.
Now let's get moving!
Get ready for the most fun you've ever had at home. This hour-long class combines strength training with BLAZEPOD reflex training for one of the most amazing fitness classes you'll ever take.
Minimum set of 3 BLAZEPODS or floor markers (cones, socks, etc.)
Jump Rope
Large Ball or Basketball
Tennis Ball
Steps or something to step up on (book, crate, etc.)
Got it? Let's get busy!

Thank you for your support!
Got a question? Let us know.
For more information about OMG Youth Sports, our programs, activities, staff, and more, don’t hesitate to contact us!
819 N Crescent Heights Blvd
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County 90046